2017년 1월 21일 토요일

[Recipe] Dalgona : Korean sugar candy

I shared Dalgona - Korean sugar candy - is really delicious and easy to make.
Let me share my recipe of Dalgona.
It is very simple if you have sugar and baking soda.
(Caution : It is better to use a cheaper ladle to avoid your expensive ladle browned.)
Ingridients : Sugar 2 table spoon, Baking soda 1/20 tea spoon
Caution : Too much baking soda makes Dalgona too risen. Just put a little bit.



1. Place 2 table spoons of Sugar in ladle and heat it over dedium heat until it turns to a complete solution. Stir it with a stick so that it deosn`t burn.
2. Put 1/10 tea spoon of baking soda and stir with a stick until it is evenly changed to creamy brown color.

3. Pour the solution into a flat plate.

4. Take off before it become completely hard. Otherwise it will be hard to take it off.

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