2017년 2월 26일 일요일

[Sweet] Nougat Biscuits from Taiwan

My friend brought this for me from Taiwan.
I forgot to take a picture of this until one was left like the picture above because it was very delicious. :)

[Sweet] UHA Kororo Gummy from Japan

This is my mom's favorite jelly from Japan.
UHA Kororo gummy.

2017년 1월 26일 목요일

[Sweet] Yakkwa : Korean honey cookies

This Saturday is Lunar new year.
This is one of most biggist holiday in Korea.
We have a rite to remember ancestors.
One of food used for the ritual is Yakkwa.
After finish the ritual, we eat food together.
Cookies and other sweets are for children.
We used to compete to get Yakkwa since it is rare to have except when we have the ritual.
It is so sweet!!

2017년 1월 21일 토요일

[Sweet] Turron de alicante : Spanish nougat

My sister in law brought this for me from her trip to Spein.
This and other sweets from Spein changed my prejudice against chocolate.
I thought chocolates from Swiss or Belgium are the best but I am thinking of Spanish as the best now.

The first sweet from Spein is Turron de alicante.

This looks like a nougat but harder that nougat I ever had. Taste is fully nutty.

[Recipe] Dalgona : Korean sugar candy

I shared Dalgona - Korean sugar candy - is really delicious and easy to make.
Let me share my recipe of Dalgona.
It is very simple if you have sugar and baking soda.
(Caution : It is better to use a cheaper ladle to avoid your expensive ladle browned.)
Ingridients : Sugar 2 table spoon, Baking soda 1/20 tea spoon
Caution : Too much baking soda makes Dalgona too risen. Just put a little bit.



1. Place 2 table spoons of Sugar in ladle and heat it over dedium heat until it turns to a complete solution. Stir it with a stick so that it deosn`t burn.
2. Put 1/10 tea spoon of baking soda and stir with a stick until it is evenly changed to creamy brown color.

3. Pour the solution into a flat plate.

4. Take off before it become completely hard. Otherwise it will be hard to take it off.

2017년 1월 20일 금요일

[Baby Care] What can we do with baby acne?

My second baby is now 56 days old.
He has acne on his face.
I was very worried about this since my first baby did not have acne but let this be.
I am told all problems on his face wil be gone afetr 6 months.
However, some people like my sister in law kept asking me to do something for his face.
She said this is going to become atopic skin if I let it be.
Therefore I had to do something to be looked as a good mother.

1. Room temperature? 22 degree celsius
His doctor told us that this is because of room temperature.
- Too high temperature is the reason for Baby acne, Baby heat rash according to him.
He recommended ua to maintain room temperater to about 22 degree celsius.
This worked for some but not for all.

2. Ointment?
Some people said ointment worked.
So I applied ointment on his face.
This was not not helpful to get rid of acne and I was nervous about the danger of ointment applied to very new baby.
I quited to do this after applied for two days.

3. Green tea? Green tea!
My sister in law taught me this.
I did not believe this would work because I could not find any one saying green tea is goid to get rid of baby acne.
But... it did work!
The thing is it depends on brands of green tea.
I tried 3 brands and just one was effective.

2017년 1월 19일 목요일

[Book] Work Smarter, Live Better by Cyril Peupion

I like to use examples from books when I conduct classes or coach people.

I use 2 examples from this book in 6S lecture.
(I will let you know what is 6S later.)

One is about personal performance at work.
Cyril sorts tasks by how long they take to be completed and how important they are.
Then he sweeps tasks which are not important to become the best performer.

The other example is about managing E-mail.
He sorts E-mails by how long it will take to be handled.
Then he handle tasks which will take within 5mins right away and book his time for tasks which will take longer. - Straighten
Finally, he can manage to sweep E-mails given to him.

Besides examples I mentioned, he shows many ways to work smarter by tidying things up.
The concepts are easy to understand and reasonable.
Having this book would be a good choice to start the year of 2017.